
Finial Capital is a strong believer in the long-term prospects for energy efficiency as current trends in energy supply and use are unsustainable – economically, and environmentally.

It is anticipated that energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide may double by 2050. Low-carbon energy technologies therefore have a crucial role to play and the various types of renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, nuclear power and new transport technologies will all require widespread deployment to bring down greenhouse-gas emissions.

Please see below for a transaction summary.

Africa's Emerging Uranium Producer

Finial Capital invested in a private mining company focused on drilling and production at strategic uranium tenements located in the Republic of Niger. These tenements are located within 10 kilometers of Areva's Somair/Cominak mines which in 2008 represented 100% of Niger's uranium production. Niger is the world's fourth largest uranium producer, with approximately 9% of global output.

  • The company was formed in 2006 and acquired shortly thereafter strategic tenements in the Northwest of the Republic of Niger
  • In 2007, the company recruited an experienced management team from Areva
  • Over the past years, privileged relationships with the local authorities have been established
  • A milestone NI 3-101 technical report has been produced for one of the tenements based on over 100km of drilling and the project is currently under development
  • The company merged with another mining company with permitted projects in Zambia and Mali, listing its shares in 2014 on North American exchanges.